- Fall new hires and their mentors will meet. Aim to touch base about once per week after the first meeting.
- Arrange for a mentor/new member lunch. The FA will reimburse mentors for up to $40. Although you may schedule the lunch for any time during the fall semester, we recommend doing so as soon as you can.
- New members hired during the previous spring semester can also have one additional lunch with their mentors during this fall semester and receive reimbursement from the FA for up to $40.
- Attend the new member bagel brunch. This serves as an opportunity for mentors and new members to meet up, and for new members become acquainted with the FA officers and FA new member program campus coordinator. There will also be opportunities to ask questions and share experiences.
- Keep in touch with your mentor while learning about how to navigate your career at SCCC.
- Make plans to attend the FA awards and recognition celebration in late January. New members will receive an invitation to attend at no cost.
- Enjoy the holiday season with your newfound friends in the FA!
- Start the year off right by attending the FA awards and recognition celebration! Applaud the good work of your colleagues.
- Spring new hires will be matched with a mentor. Try to meet up as soon as possible and continue to do so once per week for the month following.
- New members hired during the previous fall semester can also have one additional lunch with their mentors during this spring semester and receive reimbursement from the FA for up to $40.
- Keep in touch even (or especially) when your time at work becomes really, really busy.
- Attend the annual promotion workshop on your campus to find out more about the requirements and phases of the promotion cycle. No, it's not too early to do this!
- Keep in touch with your mentor to continue learning about how to navigate your career at SCCC.
- Wrap up the academic year by attending commencement.
New Member Program Year at a Glance |